Hey young world! By day, I’m a full-time occupational therapist in a hospital setting. Yes, I have a career and a master’s degree that I’m still paying for. Boooo to student loans, but Yaaay for the investment on my future! I’m not a professional writer, although most days at work I feel like I’m documenting my day away. I’m just a gal who enjoys traveling and wants to share my experiences with you.

Consider this my travel diary, if you will. My initial goal of creating this blog was to establish a space to chronicle my travels. I love looking back at old photos and revisiting those memories captured on film. Why is #TBT and #FBF such a popular thing across social media platforms? Because we hope to capture just a small piece, a glimpse,  of a now distant memory and revisit that moment (even if your #FBF was last week and you didn’t realize how poppin’ you looked, so now you gotta let the people have it). Just about every positive experience evokes a “take me back to the moment when…” feeling.

Traveling does that for me! It is my history lesson. What better way to learn a language, the customs, the geography of a native land, than to travel there? In my head, I love revisiting the projects we were assigned in elementary and middle school where you had to research the customs, flag, religion, economy, climate, and geography of a particular country…with an encyclopedia!

I tend to do the same thing when I travel now. I research just about everything. I know I won’t get the scoop on everything, so that’s why I travel to that destination. I love when my friends ask for travel recommendations. I either spit out random nuggets of info or I tell them I’ll get back to them, go home to do some research, and then revisit our convo with lots more than they bargained for, I’m sure.

This year I’ve decided that I want to take my travel journey a step further. I have challenged myself to participate in service projects and volunteering my time during my ventures around the globe. I would love to serve as your inspiration. Not to just travel, or write a blog, but to do anything that motivates you. I want to challenge my tribe/village to “do good wherever you are”. So, take a look around, click away, and read up on some of my experiences. Don’t forget to say ‘hey’ while you’re here and leave your contact info so we can stay connected.

Rita’s Digest is a creative space designed to inspire travelers, domestic and abroad, to invest in the places in which they reside and travel.

