“Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it.”
Brigitte Bardot
A little over a week ago I celebrated my 37th birthday. That’s no typo. Feel free to scroll back to the top and wonder in amazement if I’m telling the truth. *wink* Now back to what I was saying. Year 37. Alright. Chapter 37. Mmmhmm. All of that. How about Level 37? Yes! That feels good—empowering, if you will. How many things can you think of where you’ve made it to the 37th level? Each level presents a new challenge. You don’t necessarily re-invent when an obstacle presents itself, you make the adjustments within yourself to adapt.

With every personal New Year, as I level up, I tend to try to re-invent certain aspects of my life to be the best version of myself. While I don’t have any NEW lessons I’m applying to my life, per se, I just apply the same ones with a different strategy. With new experiences, come different perspectives, right? Now I won’t rattle off a list of 37 lessons I’ve learned along the way, but I will share with you a few vows that I’ve made to myself-the commitment I vow to fulfill to myself.

Be enough. Ok. Let me be real. This is struggle numero uno in my book. I don’t always feel like I am enough. Can you relate? That feeling often comes from comparison. Not just a comparison to others, but maybe of another version of myself that I’ve outgrown—the version that aims to people please, the version that always felt the need to be busy (not to be confused with productive). But, I am enough for myself. Being enough does not equate to being perfect. Understandably, this is no longer a concern of mine, but I will give what I have when I can freely give it. The right people will love me. Trust.
Be Present. I want to be present for the things I want more of. I want to experience more sunlight, exercise, prayer, reading, laughter, clean eating, ocean views, positivity, walks in nature, water consumption, journaling, saving, burning candles, serving, dancing to the music, etc. The list can go on and on. Everyone essentially wants the same thing—to do more of what makes you happy. So, I’ll go do just that.
Be bold(er). The definition of bold is subjective. For me, it’s not wavering on who I am, what I believe in, what I do, and what I stand for. It also means taking the limit off of myself. I tend to put unnecessary constraints on myself. Why is that? It’s not because I lack the skill, the desire, the work ethic, or the passion. It’s fear. The fear of being judged, the fear of failure, the fear of being challenged with something new. I have to ask myself what would happen if I approach each challenge with freedom, strength, and hope? The hope is that I will walk boldly in the direction of my dreams.
Here I am. I’ve never been more familiar with myself than I am right now; yet, I’m still learning more and more about myself, as I know we all are. I don’t have it all figured out, but the goal is constant evolution. In the meantime, I’ll BE patient and good to myself during the process.
So family, what are you vowing to yourself to be a better you? Talk to me…
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